Working Curriculum of SWITE

Working Curriculum of SWITE 
SubjectsExamCredit Term PaperChair
Ist Semester
1National HistoryE  SES
2Mathematics. Algebra and GeometryE  PMIS
3Mathematics. Mathematical AnalysisE  PMIS
4Mathematics. Mathematical Logic and Theory of AlgorithmsE  PMIS
5Information ScienceE  PMIS
6Physical Training   SES
7Official Language C SES
8Foreign Language C FL
9High-level Programming C PMIS
10History of Pridnestrovie C SES
11High-level Programming C PMIS
12Training Practice C PMIS
IInd Semester
1Mathematics. Mathematical AnalysisE  PMIS
2Mathematics. Discrete MathematicsE  PMIS
3EconomicsE  SES
4PhysicsE  PMIS
5Official LanguageE  SES
6Foreign Language C PMIS '■■■■■■■■
7Physical Training C SES
8Russian (Moldavian/Ukrainian) Language and Speech Culture C FL
9History of Pridnestrovie C SES
10High-level Programming CT/PPMIS
11Training Practice C PMIS
IIIrd Semester
1Mathematics. Theory of Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Probability ProcessesE  PMIS
2PhysicsE  PMIS
3Mathematics. Computing MathematicsE T/PPMIS
4Computer and System OrganizationE  PMIS
5Structures and Algorithms of Data ProcessingE  PMIS
6Physical Training   SES
7Foreign Language C FL
8Philosophy C SES
9Information Technologies in Mathematics and Physics C PMIS
IVth Semester
1Foreign LanguageE  FL
2PhilosophyE  SES
3Mathematics. Mathematical AnalysisE  PMIS
4PhysicsE  PMIS
5Operating SystemsE  PMIS
6Physical Training C SES
7Political Science C SES
8Ecology C SES
9Information Technologies in Mathematics and Physics C PMIS
10Structures and Algorithms of Data Processing CT/PPMIS
11Training practice C PMIS
Vth Semester
1Psychology and PedagogicsE  FL
2Disciplines on the Choice: Introduction to DatabasesE T/PPMIS
3Object Oriented ProgrammingE  PMIS
4Electrotechnics and ElectronicsE  PMIS
5Physical Training   SES
6Engineering Graphics C PMIS
7Theory of Systems and System Analysis C AIS
8Basics of Management Theory  C AIS
9Basics of Medical Training C SES
10ECM Networks and Telecommunications C PMIS
VIth semester
1DatabasesE T/PPMIS
2ECM Networks and TelecommunicationsE  PMIS
3Theory of Computing ProcessesE  PMIS
4Electrotechnics and ElectronicsE  PMIS
5Computer GraphicsE  PMIS
6Physical Training C SES
7Metrology, Standardization and Certification C PMIS
8Basics of the PMR Political Authority C SES
9Basics of Medical Training C SES
10Disciplines at the choice of a student (HSE): Sociology C SES
VIIth Semester
1Functional and Logical ProgrammingE  PMIS
2Computing System ArchitectureE  PMIS
3Theory of Programming Languages and Methods of BroadcastingE  PMIS
4Disciplines on the choice: Operation Research TheoryE T/PPMIS
5Physical Training   SES
6Jurisprudence C SES
7Safe Living Basics C SES
8Basics of Medical Training C SES
9Information Technologies C PMIS
VIIIth Semester
1Computer DesignE  PMIS
2Basics of Artificial IntelligenceE  PMIS
3Methods and Means of Computer Information ProtectionE  PMIS
4Software Development TechnologyE T/PPMIS
5Computer System Software C PMIS
6Physical Training C SES
7Organization and Production Planning   C SES
8Basics of Medical Training C SES
9Basics of Industrial Electronics C PMIS
1Computer SoftwareE T/PPMIS
2Economical and Legal Bases of the Software MarketE  AIS
3Production Process AutomationE  PMIS
4Interaction of Man and Machine C PMIS
5Technological and Practical Training G/T PMIS
Хth Semester
1Thesis Research Project DefenceE  PMIS
2State Exam on the SpecialtyE  PMIS
3Pre-Graduation Practical Training G/T PMIS

Почтовый адрес: 5500 г.Рыбница ул. Гагарина, 12
Телефон деканата: (00373)-(555)-2-09-03
Факс: (00373)-(555)-2-36-53
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