Description of Fine Arts

specialty 050100 “Pedagogical Education” profile “Fine Arts” (a qualification (degree) is a “bachelor”)

The standard term of studying is 5 years (the part-time education), the overall workload of the main curriculum (in academic credits) is 238. One credit unit corresponds to 36 academic hours.

2.1. The area of bachelors’ professional activity includes education, the social sphere and culture.
2.2. The objects of bachelors’ professional activity are training, education, development and educational systems.
2.3. A Bachelor of 050100 “Pedagogical Education” prepares for the following types of the professional activity:
- education
- cultural and educational;
- research.

2.4. A Bachelor of 050100 “Pedagogical Education” has to solve the following professional tasks according to types of the professional activity:

in the sphere of teaching activities:
- studying opportunities, needs, achievements of students in the sphere of education and developing individual routs of teaching, upbringing, development on the basis of the obtained results;
- organizing teaching and upbringing in the sphere of education using technologies appropriating to age peculiarities of students and reflecting the specificity of the subject area;
- organizing the interaction with public and educational organizations, children’s groups and parents in order to solve tasks of the professional activity; - using opportunities of educational environment to ensure the quality of education, including the use of information technologies;
- implementing professional self-education and personal growth, developing the further educational rout and professional career;

in the sphere of cultural and educational activities:
- studying and forming needs of children and adults in cultural and educational activities;
- organizing the cultural space;
- developing and realizing cultural and educational programs for different social groups;
- popularizing the professional field of knowledge of the society.

The general requirements for implementing the examination work on Drawing in the direction 050100 “Pedagogical Education”, Profile “Fine Arts”

Applicants draw from nature a still life consisting of plaster rosettes and a few household items, which are expressive in form, color, different in material and texture, they are set against the background of a monochromatic drapery. A still life in a warm or cold spectrum should consist of a household item of any chroma. A task is performed in daylight. Materials are paper (the size is a ½ sheet of drawing paper), water colour. The time for drawing is 6 academic hours.
Requirements for a painting:
- to compose a still life in a sheet;
- to draw correctly, to reproduce proportions of objects, color and tonal shades;
- to perform a tonal solution of a still life with reproducing the texture, artificial light or daylight.

The general requirements for implementing the examination work on Painting in the direction 050100 “Pedagogical Education”, Profile “Fine Arts”

Applicants draw from nature a still life consisting of four household items, which are expressive in form, color, different in material and texture, they are set against the background of a monochromatic drapery. A still life in a warm or cold spectrum should consist of a household item of any chroma.

A task is performed in daylight. Materials are paper (the size is a ½ sheet of drawing paper), water colour. The time for drawing is 6 academic hours.
Requirements for a painting:
- to compose a still life in a sheet;
- to draw correctly, to reproduce proportions of objects, color and tonal shades.

At the exams on Drawing and Painting one must have paper, drawing pins, erasers, graphite pencils TM, M, 2M (HB, B, 2B), watercolors (the production of the factory “Black River”, Saint-Petersburg is preferable), soft round and flat brushes (brushes of squirrel- hair, weasel-hair), a water container.

Почтовый адрес: 5500 г.Рыбница ул. Гагарина, 12
Телефон деканата: (00373)-(555)-2-09-03
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PangaSoft 2020