Research areas of the Applied Information Science Chair

Research areas of the Applied Information Science Chair

Area, sub-topic, stageExpected theoretical and practical resultIntroduction form of the obtained results
Topic: Informatization of business processes of a firm (an enterprise)As a result the following is expected: - a technique for carrying out the financial analysis; - recommendations about using automation systems at enterprises; - development of a program application of the subject domain; - an analytical report on the market development tendencies of intercompany information technologiesAn analytical report at the chair meeting, articles, study guides, theses research
Sub-topic: Defining and developing  models of business processes of firms (enterprises) with using information technologies  The approbation of models in practice. The development of the financial analysis technique and its application in the enterprise activity.  The automation method analysis of financial processes in the JSCB activity. The identification of informatization tendencies and factors of business processes of a modern small enterpriseIn the form of published works, materials for press, articles, study guides, theses research
Sub-topic: Management of business processes at enterprises, their automation on the basis of systems 1C: Enterprise, Oracle and other systemsThe identification of tendencies and factors defining a level of the region human capital development,  interfering the human capital development in an innovative way.  The system analysis of using the program 1C: Enterprise in human resource management of economic entities.   The application of personnel’s information management systems in order to gain data for calculating the human’s potential index.An analytical report at the chair meeting, articles, study guides
Sub-topic: Information management of the organization control    Creating a database of the IS models and developing the subject domain software on their basis.  Defining tendencies of the market development of intercompany information technologies, defining an optimum combination of hardware and software at an enterprise.   Analyzing factors of the influence on information managementA report at the chair meeting,  published works in scientific and practical conferences

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PangaSoft 2020