Scientific and research work of the Department of the Germanic Languages and Their Teaching Methods

Scientific and research work of the Department of the Germanic Languages and Their Teaching Methods 

The main goal of the scientific and research work of the Department is to raise the educational process level , further develop the main spheres of research on problems of professional activity and scientific potential of the staff and students.

The main goals of scientific work at the Department are the following ones:
1.    For the staff of the Department to prepare and defend their Candidate’s dissertations.
2.  To participate in international and regional conferences on the themes of the Department’s research; to publish scientific conferences abstracts, scientific articles and monographs on the themes of research.
3.    To maintain regular contacts with traditional partners, to exchange information, to prepare joint scientific publications.
4.    To take scientific internships, to go on business trips, to exchange academic and teaching experience
5.    To prepare for publication and to publish collections of scientific works, monographs together with other departments of the branch and the university.
6.    For the lecturers to participate in the Department Methodological and Scientific Seminars, to present reports on the results of scientific and research work annually at the Department staff meetings.
7.    To carry out researches on a given subject, to develop teaching and methodological materials in the disciplines assigned to the Department.
8.    To review scientific works of external performers, to discuss scientific works of faculty lecturers.
9.   To prepare reporting documents on the scientific work.
10.    To plan and organize the work of the student scientific clubs of the Department, to supervise their scientific work.
11.    To study scientific experience of scientific and research organizations and related departments of other HEIs with the aim to improve the organization and conduct of scientific work, to use it in the educational process.

The main spheres of research work of the Department of the Germanic Languages and Their Teaching Methods are the following ones:
•    Methodological features of the organization of education with the use of information and communication technologies (ICT).
•    Factors of forming students’ autonomy.
•    Development and functioning of lexical-phraseological systems of the English and German language.
Within the scope of the scientific work mentioned above, lecturers of the Department plan to hold scientific seminars and to organize round tables with the participation of both students and teachers of schools of the city and the district, as well as participate in regional and international scientific conferences and seminars. The results of their research will be reflected in the Department faculty’s publications: teaching and methodological manuals, scientific articles, as well as in reports at international and regional conferences.

There are two student scientific clubs (“Pedagogical excellence” and “Linguistics and intercultural communication”) and a student scientific association functioning at the Department.
The following tasks are carried out within the work of the clubs:
•    Students prepare reports and presentations, develop practical complexes under the guidance of the scientific advisers.
•    The participants discuss the most important aspects and constituent elements of linguistic research, pedagogical and methodological excellence, and take active part in discussions and trainings.
•    Students successfully master all the theoretical provisions of the topics studied within the work of the clubs, consolidate the theory by performing practical tasks and, in some cases, by writing course papers.
•    Club sessions cover a wide range of problems necessary for students to successfully complete their teaching training and in the course of their further professional activity.

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