On July 12, the diploma delivery ceremony for the 2024 graduates of the Rybnitsa branch of PSU named after T.G. Shevchenko was in the city Palace of Culture. Friends, relatives and friends of the graduates, teachers and students, honored guests came to share this joyful event.

The festive event was opened by the Deputy Head of the State Administration of the Rybnitsa District and Rybnitsa on social issues Yu.P. Moldovsky and Chairman of the Rybnitsa City Council of People’s Deputies V.E. Lozovsky. Yuri P. Moldovsky and Vadim E. Lozovsky noted close cooperation with the university, congratulated the graduates and wished them to follow the chosen professional path with dignity.

First Vice-Rector, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor L.V. Skitskaya and Vice-Rector for Economic Activities and Strategic Development S.P. Pogorletsky congratulated the graduates on the successful completion of their studies, higher education and wished them a successful career and easy achievement of goals.

The head of the Rybntsa branch of the party “Obnovlenie” N.V. Mamalyga wished young specialists to achieve their goals, be active, do what they love, believe in themselves and dreams.

The graduation ceremony continued with congratulations by the Director of the branch, Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences I.A. Pavlinov. Igor A. Pavlinov wished all the graduates success, career achievements and a happy future.

Finally, a solemn moment came, which all the graduates were waiting with trepidation. That was the diploma delivery ceremony! 60 students of different specializations and training programs became the holders of master’s and bachelor’s diplomas. 19 of them graduated with honors. That was the result of high-quality and conscientious collaborative work of teachers and students!
The event ended with an alumni oath and a joint souvenir photos.

Our dear graduates, congratulations on your successful graduation from the university! We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, success, love, personal happiness, professional growth and achievement of your goals!
Dume   Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 15:17:27
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On July 05, the bachelor’s degree students of the 5 course in the training program 44.03.05 “Teacher Education”, specialization “Foreign Language (English)”, additional specialization “Foreign Language (German)” defended their final qualifying papers at the Department of the Germanic Languages and Methods of Their Teaching.

The Chairman of the Commission Kilovskaya I.E., an English teacher of the highest qualification category of MEI “RRGSS No. 10 named after A.K. Belitchenko”, a member of the Republican Scientific and Methodological Council of Teachers of a Foreign Language, noted excellent graduates’ training, the ability to operate theoretical information within the framework of the selected topic, successfully selected illustrative material, as well as the ability to support scientific discussion.

The average score was 5.

We congratulate the graduates on the successful completion of their studies and wish them success in their chosen profession!

Dume   Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 15:16:03
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On July 4, the 2nd year master’s degree internal study mode students in the training program 38.04.02 “Management” defended their final qualification papers at the Department of Management. The Chairman of the commission was Deputy Head of the State Administration of Rybnitsa and the Rybnitsa district on Economic Issues Kravchenko V.V. He noted the qualitative level of graduates’ training. The average score was 4.75.

Dume   Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 15:15:00
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On July 4, the final stage of the State certification of the graduates with the qualification “Bachelor of Applied Information Science” in the training program 09.03.03 “Applied Information Science”, specialization “Applied Information Science in Economics” took place at the Department of Applied Information Science in Economics. The Chairman of the State Examination Committee, a manager of the branch of Agroprombank CJSC Rybnitsa, Ukhina Emilia A. noted the high level of graduates’ training, relevance and practical significance of scientific research for enterprises and organizations of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

Dume   Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 15:14:12
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 On July 4, the next class of the participants of the social project “In tune with the times” took place on the basis of the computer class of the Russian World Office of the Scientific and Educational Center of the Rybnitsa branch.

The project is being implemented jointly with the party “Obnovlenie”.

Computer literacy courses are aimed at developing learners’ skills in using modern digital technologies, using them in everyday life, using personal computers when working to search for information, communicate on the Internet and send electronic messages.

The project is very popular in the city. Pensioners not only receive useful knowledge here, but also find new friends.

The graduates admitted that the courses helped them overcome the fear of the new, disbelief in their own strength and thanked the organizers for this project.

Dume   Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 15:12:48
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 On April 25, 2024, the results of the jubilee Xth International Professional Competition NOPRIZ for the best project were published on the website of the National Association of Surveyors and Designers.

The Rybnitsa branch of PSU named after T. G. Shevchenko presented the project “Plant for the processing of plastic waste”. This project was awarded by the Competition Commission with the IIIrd degree diploma in the nomination “The best project of road transport and communal infrastructure, as well as industrial and agricultural facilities”. The author of the project was Ksenia B. Dyakonu, the 4th year student in the training program “Corporate Management”, the scientific advisor was Senior Lecturer Polina A. Kravchenko.

Dume   Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 15:11:29
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 On July 3, the bachelors in the training program “Software Engineering”, specialization “Development of Software and Information Systems” defended their final qualifying papers at the Department of Information Science and Software Engineering.

The students demonstrated their practical developments, most of which were implemented in the operation of various Rybnitsa organizations and enterprises. The invited guests emphasized the high level of training of our programmers!

Dume   Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 15:10:23
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 On July 3, the defense of final qualifying papers took place at the Department of Decorative and Applied Arts.

 As noted by the Chairman of the State Examination Committee Panov Sergey G., Honored Artist of the PMR, Member of the Board of the Union of Artists of the PMR, the topics of all the final qualifying papers were in line with the areas of training in the Department of Decorative and Applied Arts.

Graduates’ answers to the questions of the State Examination Committee members demonstrated that the content of the students’ training met the requirements of the State General Educational Standard in the training program “Design”, specialization “Design” and the training program “Teacher Education”, specialization “Fine Arts”.

We congratulate the graduates on the successful completion of their studies, wish them creativity and professional growth!
Dume   Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 15:09:27
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 On July 3, the 4th year students defended their final qualifying papers at the Department of Automation of Technological Processes and Production.

The State Certification Commission considered 7 final qualifying papers. The graduates successfully revealed the topics of their projects. All the projects were relevant and of practical importance for the PMR enterprises. The Chairman of the State Examination Commission Bondar Andrey A., the Chief Engineer of the Rybnitsa branch of the State Unitary Enterprise “Water Supply and Sanitation”, noted the high-quality professional training of the graduates, which would contribute to the implementation of effective activities at enterprises of the city and the region. The paper by A.V. Teplinsky was recognized as the best final qualifying paper.

Dume   Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 15:08:11
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 On July 2, the master’s degree students defended their final qualifying papers at the Department of Applied Information Science in Economics of the Rybnitsa branch of PSU named after T.G. Shevchenko. The training program was 09.04.03 “Applied Information Science”, specialization “Information Technologies in Modeling and Organization of Business Processes”.

During the defense, the papers on the topical problems of digital transformation of various spheres of the economy were presented and successfully defended. Each student demonstrated a degree of scientific novelty. The graduates presented their results, supported by relevant research in the field. The professionalism and thoroughness of the preparation of the paper of each master’s degree student was appreciated by both scientific advisors and the commission members. The commission, chaired by Yuri G. Ganin, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, the Chairman of the Board of NP “Committee for Support of the Regional Development” Sigma-Expert, noted the high level of the papers and excellent fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s thesis.
Dume   Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 15:07:14
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