On October 21 in Room 22 the round table conference took place at 11:40, which was devoted to the 200th anniversary since the birth of Lermontov M.

Work of the round table conference began with reading the poem “Will”, by the student of Course V, Andronova Sabina. The student of Course II, Malay Dina, continued work of the round table conference. In the presentation Dina lit the biography of the poet, creativity stages, including painting.

In the course of the round table conference such poems as “To a Child” and “Death of the Poet” were read by students. In each work the destiny of the poet is traced.

The presentation of the student of Course II, Zabolotnaya Mary, is worth to be marked. The student told about the last fateful duel of Lermontov M. and Martinov N. There are a lot of reasons for the duel between Lermontov and Martinov, but the concrete, obvious reason of the duel hasn’t been found out yet. Circumstances of this duel are so inconsistent and confused, according to evidences of Martinov and seconds M. Glebov and A. Vasilchikov that they are still being treated differently. The seconds in collusion with Martinov gave noisy evidences to court to facilitate the fate. Lermontov didn’t wish to kill, he didn’t want this duel. He perfectly understood that after all he offended Martinov, though for fun, without expecting such a consequence as a challenge to the duel. Moreover, Lermontov clearly realized that if a duel took place, even at a bloodless outcome his future would become tragic and all his dreams of his resignation and his literary activity would fail. Martinov after the duel with Lermontov showed in court that “this duel was absolutely casual” and that he “never felt rage... to Lermontov, therefore, I had no need to have a pretext to quarrel with him”.

The student of Course II, Kurushina Tamara, continued the presentation. Tamara lit the reverse side of M. Lermontov’s life. The student focused her attention on mysticism in the destiny of the poet.

The round table conference work came to an end with viewing the speech of the famous Russian actor Sergey Bezrukov who read the poem “Valerik”.

All the presentations were followed by musical and video support.

We would like to thank all the participants for interesting informative reports, to note the importance of holding such meetings and we hope for further round table meetings connected with significant dates of the Russian culture.

Dume   Wednesday 17 December 2014 - 21:52:56
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