On October 12, the Department of Applied Information Science in Economics held a seminar on “Information technologies in the economic entities activity analysis”.

The summary of the seminar is given below:
The Director of the Rybnitsa branch of the PSU named after T.G. Shevchenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences I.A. Pavlinov made an introductory statement. He greeted the seminar participants and pointed out the importance and the necessity of holding such events, the ones that aim to support students’ initiative, to strengthen their professional skills and stimulate the interest in solving practical and scientific problems. In the presentation, he expressed the opinion that the reality of modern society under conditions of digital transformation of all economic business processes demands more attention to the work of analysts, to the information used by enterprises of different types of incorporation, to the technical and programmatic conditions of its processing, in order to take a qualified and effective management decision.
The following reports were presented during the seminar:
1) Digitalization of business processes under increasing information flows conditions. (Pavlinov Igor A., Director of the Rybnitsa Branch of the PSU named after T. G. Shevchenko, Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences). The report presents the main features of the business processes of small, medium and large businesses. It also explores the necessity of analytical work, which requires an economist-analyst to use all modern technologies and production capabilities available.
2) Analytical work software in small business (Kishmereshkin Artyom, the 3rd year student, the department of Applied Information Science in Economics). The report describes the software products existing on the Russian Federation market, gives their comparative specifications, and shows the main advantages and shortcomings of using these software products.
3) Some features of the Audit Expert program (Burlaka Ekaterina, the 3rd year student, the department of Applied Information Science in Economics). The report describes the main features of this software in medium and large business environment and shows the advantages and disadvantages of its use at an enterprise.
4) Main stages of analytical work in the context of digital economy (Pihovskaya Ekaterina, the 2nd year student, the department of Applied Information Science in Economics). The report presents the main stages of the analysis of enterprise activity, outlines its directions, shows a system of analytical coefficients.
5) Features of the FinEkAnaliz Program (Samoylenko Nadezhda, the 3rd year student, the department of Applied Information Science in Economics). The report describes the features of the program, its advantages and disadvantages, and compares it with the completeness and depth of analytical work.
The reports were presented at a high theoretical and methodological level with the use of multimedia technologies. The seminar participants expressed great interest in the topics discussed and acknowledged the relevance of the issues raised.

Dume   Tuesday 19 October 2021 - 12:35:55
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