As part of the career guidance campaign, on March 28, 2023, master classes were held at the Department of the Germanic Languages and Methods of Their Teaching, the purpose of which was to present the specifics of pedagogical activity, in general, and a foreign language, in particular.

Senior Lecturer of the Department A.S. Podolyan held a master class in English on the topic “Home Sweet Home or a Cozy Nest Phenomenon”. The event was aimed at pupils of the 11th grade of Rybnitsa and the Rybnitsa district, who had the opportunity to learn about the emerging trend among the youth of Germany and compare their lives with those of young people in the PMR, as well as share their thoughts on the role of the house in the life of every person.

Associate Professor of the Department Zadobrivscaia O.F. conducted a master class “Being a teacher is to be creative!” The features of the foreign language were presented, because in connection with the progressive development of society, there has recently been an increasing interest in it. The desire and need to learn a foreign language is explained by a number of reasons, one of which is the desire to travel around the world, enrich their knowledge and expand their horizons in communicating with representatives of various countries and cultures. Along with this, the participants tried to compose a portrait of their ideal teacher displaying in it the style and attributes that convey the elements of his skill.
The favorable and creative atmosphere that reigned at the events did not leave anyone indifferent.

Dume   Tuesday 11 April 2023 - 08:07:43
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