Department of General Scientific Disciplines

Department of General Scientific Disciplines 

The history of the Department of General Scientific Disciplines begins in September 2015. The department is a part of the Rybnitsa branch of the Pridnestrovian State University named after T.G. Shevchenko, it conducts teaching, methodological, research and educational work.

By the nature of the work performed, the department is being of a general scientific service. Since 2018, the Department is also a graduate department, provides the training of bachelors in the training program “Socio-cultural activity”, the specialization in “Management of social and cultural activities”.

In the  teaching staff (TS) of the department there are 2 associate professors, 5 Senior Lecturers, 1 Lecturer, including 2 Lecturers of the teacher of the highest rank, 2 teachers with the honorary rank of “Honored Teacher of the PSSU”, 3 teachers are included in the “Book of Honor of the Rybnitsa branch of the PSU”, 1 teacher has been awarded the medal “For Labor Merit”.   

The Department conducts teaching of 32 general scientific disciplines according to the standard or exemplary programs of study for different training programs of bachelors of internal study mode and external study mode, as well as master’s degree programs.

The Department teaching staff is constantly working to improve their professional level by taking advanced training courses and participating in various methodological seminars and scientific and practical conferences. Teachers supplement the scientific library with articles, teaching aids and other publications in international, national and municipal publications.

Together with students, they actively implement scientific researches and take part in scientific conferences, round tables and seminars.

The students’ science club “Peculiarities of cultural identity of the region” successfully works at the Department.
The main tasks of the Department are:
1. Improvement of the quality of teaching staff through internships and refresher courses.
2. Carrying out scientific and methodological research in accordance with prospective and current plans for the development of the Department, creation of educational and methodological complexes of the training programs (specialities) and didactic complexes of disciplines attached to the Department.
3. Work on the implementation of distance education technologies into the teaching process.
4. Creation and equipping of the methodical office of the Department of General Scientific Disciplines.
5. Expansion of scientific and educational-methodical forms of work with foreign universities and educational institutions in Rybnitsa, the PMR (to continue work in Junior Academy of gymnasium pupils, cooperation with the Center for Children and Young People's Activities in the framework of the project “Gifted children”).
6. Increase in the quantity of publications by scientific and pedagogical specialists in foreign scientific editions, in RSCI publications, and editions by Higher Attestation Commission
7. Development of inter-faculty cooperation in the fields of science, education, culture and administration
8. Development of cooperation with employers and State and voluntary organizations in various forms: development of social projects, scientific and methodological consulting and expert evaluation of socio-cultural, educational and classical projects.
9. Career guidance for schoolchildren in Rybnitsa and Kamenka, broading of the information in the media.
10. Active work on socio-cultural projects within the Centre for Sociocultural Initiatives and Education.

Почтовый адрес: 5500 г.Рыбница ул. Гагарина, 12
Телефон деканата: (00373)-(555)-2-09-03
Факс: (00373)-(555)-2-36-53
PangaSoft 2020