Development Prospects of the Department of Managementа

Priority is given to the scientific and learning and teaching development of the department teaching staff and to the revitalization and improvement of the scientific, educational and pedagogic activities of students:

1.    Improvement of the scientific and pedagogical level of the teaching staff through the system of advanced training and postgraduate studies.
2.    Seeking new forms of vocational guidance for school leavers and technical school students.
3.    Continuation of the work of the department teaching staff on updating educational and methodological complexes in designated disciplines and the development of learning and teaching support in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
4.    Provision of high-quality teaching, learning and teaching support for the theoretical and practical training of students. 
5.    Continuation of work on the needs of the regional labour market in the field of management personnel, expansion of the practice of contracting with involved organizations and enterprises for carrying out basic student internship on their basis.
6.    Seeking additional possibilities with the branch management to improve the material and technical base, which includes updating the auditorium, computer and audio-visual equipment stock and library stock, expanding unrestricted individual access to one or more electronic library systems.
7.    Continuing to improve the academic, scientific and creative performance of students. Activation of student activities in all areas of sociocultural activity.
8.    Orientation of the teaching staff and students of the Department to conducting scientific research of the applied character, taking into account the regional economy specifics.
9.    Development of forms, methods and means of interaction with employers to improve the mechanisms for their participation as partners in educational activities and subsequent employment of graduates. Practical content filling of the business-consulting centre at the Department.
10.    Improvement of the system of interaction with the graduates of the Department in order to analyze information on the results of formation of competences in an educational institution, evaluated from the perspective of real needs of professional activity of graduates.

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Телефон деканата: (00373)-(555)-2-09-03
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PangaSoft 2020