Rules for enrollment to the postgraduate study program

Rules for enrollment to the postgraduate study program

Rules for enrollment to the postgraduate study program
People who have higher professional education are admitted to the postgraduate study program of the PSU named after T.G. Shevchenko on a competitive basis. The studying is carried out in an internal study mode and external study mode. People up to 35 years are admitted to the postgraduate study program off-job, and up to 45 years inclusive are admitted on-job.
  Young specialists are allowed to participate in competitive examinations for the postgraduate study program immediately after graduation on the recommendation of the Academic Council of the faculty (Institute).
    Citizens of foreign states, including citizens of CIS member states, are admitted to the postgraduate study program on the basis of international treaties and intergovernmental agreements, as well as under the PSU agreements providing for payment of studying by legal entities and individuals.
    Applications and documents for the postgraduate study program in all specialties are admitted annually from May 15 to September 15.
Entrance exams are carried out from October 1 to October 31.
All applicants are interviewed by the prospective supervisor within the deadline for applying documents.
    The decision on admission to the entrance exams to the postgraduate study program is made by the admission committee, taking into account the conclusion of the prospective supervisor based on the interview results as well as on the abstract or submitted scientific papers.
    Applicants to the postgraduate study program take the following competitive entrance exams in accordance with the state educational standards of higher professional education:
 special discipline;
 foreign language (English, German, French)

People who have passed all or a part of the candidate’s exams  are exempt from the relevant entrance exams upon enrollment to the postgraduate study program.

    The duration of the internal study mode postgraduate study program is 3 years, the duration of the external study mode postgraduate study program  is 4 years.
    The programs and questions for preparing for the entrance exams can be found: in the specialty – at specialized departments, in philosophy and foreign languages – at the departments of Philosophy and foreign languages. Retaking entrance exams is not allowed. People enrolled in the internal study mode postgraduate study program are released from work by the beginning of the academic year on the basis of a copy of the order on enrollment to the postgraduate study program.

List of documents for admission to the postgraduate study program
Application sample for enrollment
List of universities
Branches of science

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