On January 12, 2024, the final scientific and practical conference of the teaching staff based on the results of the research and development program for 2023 was held at the Department of the Germanic Languages and Methods of Their Teaching.


The staff of the Department of the Germanic Languages and Methods of Their Teaching shared their theoretical and practical developments in two areas: methodology of teaching foreign languages and linguistics.

In accordance with the research plan, the teaching staff of the department conducted a study under the following topic “Linguistic and methodological aspects in the formation of students’ professional competence”.

The conference was attended by teachers of the Department of Germanic Languages and Methods of Their Teaching.

Responsible ones for conducting the section were Associate Professor Egorova V.G., Senior Lecturer Novitskaya N.P., Associate Professor Solovyanova E.V., Associate Professor Zadobrivscaia O.F.

In the course of the scientific and practical conference, 10 reports were heard on current topics:
1) Savvina M.G. Features and ways of working with pedagogical situations.
2) Basyuk I.V. Models and forms of organization of distance learning.
3) Statnik O.G., Russu A.N. Formation of foreign-language lexical competence of students taking into account the requirements of a communicative approach.
4) Zadobrivscaia O.F. Syllabus preparation stages.
5) Novitskaya N.P. CLIL as one of the modern approaches to teaching a foreign language.
6) Martynyuk N.L. Possibilities of using mobile applications Cake, Duolingo, BBC Learning English in classes in Oral and Written English Practice with the 1st year students.
7) Egorova V.G. Cognitive grounds for the development of students’ vocabulary (using the example of learning phrasal verbs and complex words).
8) Pavlinova I.V. Modern technologies for the development and professional formation of the student’s personality.
9) Podolyan A.S. Well-being of students in English classes.
10) Solovyanova E.V. Features of the formation of students’ soft skills in the process of learning a foreign language.

The conference participants showed great interest in the topics discussed and noted the relevance of studying the affected problems.

Dume   Thursday 01 February 2024 - 09:17:05
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